Friday, April 22, 2016

Low Back Pain is a Major Cause of Disability in the U.S.

Dr. Nick McKolosky

This may be an alarming statistic, but approximately one in three people at some point in their life before retirement will have a disability. In 2013, the overall prevalence rate of non-institutionalized working age adults (ages 21 to 64) with a disability in the United States was 10.8 percent, according to the American Community Survey done by the U.S. Census Bureau. In other words, 19,618,200 of the 181,949,900 individuals in that working age group reported one or more disabilities. 

Low back pain is a great cause of concern for many working age adults in the U.S. and it causes more disabilities than nearly 300 other conditions. Low back pain is something that almost all people experience at some point in their lives. One expert said the results are not surprising. “Back pain is the number one cause of lost work days in the US,” said Dr. Anders Cohen, chief of neurosurgery and spine surgery at the Brooklyn Hospital Center, in New York City. Staying in shape is one of the best ways to prevent back pain. It's really important to maintain core strength and flexibility to keep your back healthy.

Are you experiencing lower back pain yourself? It could be because of your everyday lifestyle. Your back is at the mercy of bad habits like: slouching while you sit, lifting and pulling heavy objects, being overweight, not exercising, smoking or wearing high heels. Back pain should not be taken lightly. If the pain is left uncared for, it can result in serious health issues.

If you are experiencing any discomfort or pain, do not hesitate to schedule an appointment with our experienced team of doctors and staff. At McKolosky Chiropractic, we take great pride in providing the finest chiropractic care to each and every patient, using the most innovative and effective soft touch techniques. A healthy spine is key to a healthy life.

Call McKolosky Chiropractic and schedule an appointment today at (814) 269-3116.

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- 2013 Disability Status Report, Cornell University
- WebMD

Monday, April 4, 2016

Understanding the Symptoms of Back Pain

Most people have experienced some form of back pain at some point in their lives. Some causes of back pain are self-inflicted due to a lifetime of bad habits. Other causes of back pain include auto accident injuries, sports injuries and muscle strains. Although many of the causes differ, most share the same symptoms of discomfort or pain.

Are you experiencing the following back pain symptoms?

  • Continuous aching or stiffness anywhere along your spine. The spine reaches from the base of your neck to your tail bone
  • Sharp, direct pain in your neck, upper back or lower back (often after lifting heavy objects or engaging in other strenuous activity)
  • Persistent aching in the middle or lower back (often occurs after sitting or standing for extended periods of time)
  • Pain ranging from your lower back to the buttock, down the back of your thigh, and into your calf and toes
  • Inability to stand straight without experiencing pain or spasms in your lower back.
These are just a small list of symptoms that cause back pain. If you're dealing with any of these, call McKolosky Chiropractic. We take great pride in providing the finest chiropractic care to each and every patient, using the most innovative and effective soft touch techniques. For over 30 years, patients from the Johnstown community and surrounding area have entrusted their care and that of family and friends to Dr. McKolosky. Call us and schedule an appointment today at (814) 269-3116.